Thursday, March 10, 2011

Web Design

Web Design-O-Web Design

The Internet is something I have used for years now, but the coding of it has always confused me. When I look at HTML all I see is tons of letters and numbers that seem to run together in a way that is very difficult to read (especially for someone who has Dyslexia). So I think its time to break down and learn it. I've tried to learn it before, but the coding part was so confusing (Note that this was before Dreamweaver era). I even took an "Intro to Web Design" class when I was at design school.

Now, I think I may have an upper hand at learning web design. I have the programs for it: Flash, Dreamweaver, and Text Edit. I also have a wealth of friends who know about web design, and a computer programer dad who knows the coding side. On top of all that, I also have and a few other web sites to help out too.

So here are the things I want to learn:

  1. Dreamweaver
  2. Flash
  3. HTML (I've been told to learn this first, but I've also been told that learning Dreamweaver first will help me understand it better)
  4. CSS (revert to comment on HTML but this comes second)
  5. Java Script
  6. Action Script
  7. PHP

I have been told that if I am able to add Web Design to my skill set that it will help me obtain a good design position, and help me get better freelance assignments. I have also been told by multiple people that they would not hire a Graphic Designer unless they know both Print and Web Design. These are tough times for those of us designers who specialize in Print Design, marketing, and advertising. However, the one thing that will separate me from the rest of the designers is my ability to overcome and adapt to the changing world of Graphic Design.

I hope that this learning endeavor will help to widen the horizon!

If you know of any books, resources, or have any recommendations for me on how to get started or the way that you do web design please comment on this post.

1 comment:

  1. Watch these video from RC Concepcion these help me out.

